
What sould i do? My ex asked out the girl i cant stand!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, this guy--- we just broke up, and now i just heard he's gonna ask out this chick that I truly hate!!

were still friends and i wasn't sure if i still liked him,

and when i just heard he was gonna ask her out,

i was tottally bumed me wouldn't get back together and so angry that he would ask HER out!! there r about 300 other girls at our school and he absolutely had to pick her, and she was always flirting with him when we were going out and then she lied STRIGHT TO MY FACE that she didn't like him!

and now hes gonna ask out a cruel,Two-faced girl and i don't want him to,or to see him get hurt.

but he was a jerk to all my friends and his friends are jerks to me

but still i have NO CLUE WHAT TO DO!!

what should i DO!?!?!?!?




  1. He's your ex. Let him do what he wants to do. Let go of him and move on with your life.

  2. ummm i think that you should let him go out with her... think about it. if he likes her than.. whell let ehm be! you know..?

    It sounds like you LOVE him. if you broke up with him then just say that you made a mistake. =) try it.

      Good Luck!!!! =)  

  3. Wow you sound like you are deeply in love with him. I kid you not. You're last hope is to bare your soul to him, tell him how much you love him, and then maybe he'll drop this newest gf.

  4. omg that sucks!!!!

    dont let it bother you

    hes trying to make you REALLY jelious bcuz that u told him that he dates her and puts that in your face.

    so if i were you i wouldnt even act like it bothers you so he will get the idea that you dont care about them "dateing"lol

    good luck!


  5. well i think if his doing this all bcoz he want his own bak (wich i think he dont but...) u should do the same go out with the boy that he hates...

    if u think that he just likes her let him go for it let him be happy as u want him to be and as u sed that if shes not a nice girl then one day shell leav him for somone als. just let him now that one day if he needs a sholder to cry on tell him ur allways be ther for him just let him now ur allways ther for him... one day he will com bak to u... and thats the day that girl u dont like will com to u for help then thats the day u tell her to f**** off...

  6. you cant do nothing your not going out with him no should not care no more his the past get over it.

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