
What sources discuss the relationship between ethics and logic?

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I am looking for something specific here. Someone recommended a book to me before and I cant find where I wrote it down. The main point was that logic comes from ethics (rather than ethics coming from logic or reason). The title *might* have been as simple as "Logic and Ethics" or "Ethics and Logic".

I found one book with this title (Peter Geach, editor), but I don't think this is it since it is a collection of essays on Logic and/or ethics whereas what I am looking for was done by one author on this one topic (I think).

Sorry, I know it is a little vague, but any help is appreciated.

Are there any other books or publications that address this question at length?

Thanks so much to everyone for their answers!




  1. Go yo the originals - Plato & Aristotle.

  2. Are you sure? Ethics is moral reasoning so it presupposes or is dependent on logic.

    Could be something that Peter Singer wrote - he often chases silly lines of thought.

  3. Everyday Ethics by Joshua Halberstam is a good overview of the topic and gives a great starting point to studying ethics. It was written in the early 90's so some of the examples are a little dated but it is still a profound read.

    I quote to this day the observation of Joshua Halberstam that if you wonder if you want to be friends with someone that friendship is in trouble. It is incredibly profound and yet simple.

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