
What sources of energy do we have available to us? (US)?

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will these always be available to us?




  1. There are plenty of sources of "safe" (more or less) energy. Here are a few, their advantages, and their defects:

    1. Wind Energy--used by wind farms, all you need is a windmill and a generator you can attach to the rotating blades to get it to work. Already used, you need to consider the cost of building the "wind farms."

    2. Tidal or Wave Energy--Tides: if you get a barge, buoy, or other floating device, tie wires to it, attach the wires to an under- ground and water generator, and wait for the tide to come in, the tides would pull the buoy which would pull the wire which would operate the generator. You must consider the cost of placing the generator underwater in the first place and maitenance costs. These are being installed off Washington State and Hawaii this minute.Underwater waterwheels are another option, with the only difference that this is completely underwater, throwing a monkey wrench in installation.

                                               Waves: a waterwheel always works, like the ones used in mills. However, creating a waterwheel or several wheels big enough to create any sizable amount of energy would be expensive and difficult, without considering where to get all that water.

                                               Both: The Portuguese are installing a machine called the "Pelamis," or sea snake, that rides on the waves and tides to produce energy. Eventually, enough will be installed to provide thousands and thousands of homes with energy! To pay for production costs (besides raising taxes) the Portuguese will sell the energy to people. However, how much does it cost???

    3. Nuclear energy--not blowing every other country off the map, instead this includes building nuclear reactors that produce fission (the same process used for the bomb) that heat water that then turn turbines that power generators. However, nuclear waste is highly volatile and radioactive (getting rid of this byproduct is a heck of a job), and the accident at Chernobyl, Ukraine, when the Soviet Union still existed, caused almighty chaos amongst the former nation. (A high-rated nuclear meltdown that made a vast area unsuitable for living, a larger area in smaller risks, and an excuse for looters to raid the area and spread radioactive items through Eastern Europe and Russia is a disaster all right.)

    4. Solar Energy--Easy to install, all you need are solar cells (Where to get them? Some scientists make them) and a generator. Wire the solar cells to the generator and as long as the sun's out and the wires are not frayed evergy will come in. It's being done already!

    5. Good old oil or petroleum--many people in the election of 2008 claim the burning of these cause global warming, and there is only so much left. Pursue at your own risk.

    If you want energy for CARS, then try electricity from wind, solar, or tidal sources. They are hard to convert into energy for cars, but try that with nuclear power. And oil is limited.

                                                                           -Your Energy Expert

  2. water/wind/wave power will always be available

  3. ill make this short and simple

    Renewable resources

    1. Wind

    2. Solar

    3. Hydroelectric Dams

    4. Tidal

    5. Nuclear


    1.Natural Gas

    2. Coal (Cheapet)

    3. Oil

  4. Mikozaa certainly is good at pointing out the obvious but....if you were to search the patent office as well as , hold every oil company CEO at gunpoint for the truth; you will aquire multiple answers -many of which, offer free energy with little or no consequences!

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