
What <span title="ethnicity/nationality/race">ethnicity/nationality/rac...</span> does she look like?

by  |  earlier

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my friend and i have been debating on it i think she looks indian/lebanese but she says she looks white




  1. she looks sumerian

  2. i was going to say armenian but yeah she looks lebanese too and deff. not white

  3. yes she look indian

  4. i would guess indian

  5. I think she looks something middle eastern.

    tell her not to use the white and purple eyeshadow- the color combo is all wrong for her features and skin tone and she shouldn&#039;t use different colors on her top and bottom. actually, she shouldn&#039;t be using it beneath her eyes and she should blend her eyeshadow more.

  6. well she looks stupid with all that non-matching eye-shadow on!!! HOW IN THE WORLD IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO TELL WHAT NATIONALITY SHE IS WITH MAKEUP!?!!?!?!

  7. At first glance she looks arab to me, (specially for that big nose) may be from Morroco, Egipt even she could be afgan.

    She does not look european, definitely northen african or middle eastern 100%.


  8. Italian

  9. i can&#039;t tell with all the eyeshadow on

  10. she looks mexican, or hispanic, sometimes hispanic and Indain look simalar

  11. Indian

  12. portugese

  13. My guess would be, she&#039;s part of the human race.

  14. Middle Eastern

  15. lol thats not even white..but she does look Lebanese. actually she reminds me of some friend.

  16. Israeli?

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