
What special aspects of your work experience have prepeared you for overseas job?

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i need answer for this questions so pls replay for me...






  1. I thought this was the Special Ed section?  do you even know what that is?

  2. Get an overseas education unless you are going where the the type of education that you have is not available in the country and supply of such people is very low.

    See my profile.

    Work Experience.

    Exact work experience. Or lots of related work experience. You can ask the consulate for the list of Qualified people that the country is seeking and the type of people they are seeking and the number of people they need.

    There may even be a need for people in the remote villages, in remote areas that are truly remote, no gas stations, no telephone service, no cell phone service, no roads, no transportation for miles, just foot travel or mule trails for miles no electric, supply are air dropped, no airport or no big enough water shade to land pontoon type air plain.

    Besides, Africa and south America, such places are in many parts of the so called developed world, depending on the countries, they do give limited Visa with the condition that the person spends require amount of  time in remote area in the first 7 years( up to) then they can work any where, some require only one year but after that, they can work any where in the country but the fact is that there are no good or any kind of jobs available except in the remote areas.

  3. Not sure which direction you are going, but I'm a US citizen who spent a year teaching English overseas. For me, my business experince was of specific interest to this country trying to do more business with the US. Most importantly for me, it was the willingness to listen, learn, adapt and share openly of what I could of myself to satisfy what my clients were looking to achieve. Respect the customs and laws of wherever you are going, and share your talents with them. I found that I was very well received and personally and professionally rewarded.

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