
What special therapies or education system is available for a 2year old with Global Development Delay?

by Guest59409  |  earlier

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What special therapies or education system is available for a 2year old with Global Development Delay?




  1. Your child's paediatrician should have all the answers to this question. If they don't, then it is up to you to push them and make them find out and get all the relevant agencies involved.

  2. You should contact your school district. Ask to talk with the Pre-K special education department. Tell them about your child and request that he or she be assessed. They should send a team of people out to your home to assess your child.

    Under the the Individual with Disabilities Education Act of 2004, school districts are required to seek out children who are possibly disabled and will need special services. I think the child will have to be three to be placed in special education, but the assessment process can start now.

    You may want to go to the Wright's Law website to find out some of your rights as a parent with a child with special needs. You can also read sections of IDEA that pertain to your child. Your child is entitled to a free and appropriate public education.

  3. Depends on the state you live in. Check with the local early intervention providers ,or school district can give you info, and get an Occupational and Physical and Speech therapy evaluations .

  4. See your pedi. He/she should be able to recommend a developmental specialist. Also, check the public schools to see if your child qualifies for PCC.

  5. Look at the school at age 3. Otherwise I believe the rest are state.

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