
What species in your area died out?

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I lived in this area for almost 20 years. Back then when we first moved in here, there were lots of huge grasshoppers and butterflies. But as time goes by they started to disappear. Out of nowhere frogs came in and I hear them all the time.

What species in your area died out? What do you think caused them to disappear? I can think of several. There were a few constructions in my area. There was a long period of drought in summer one time. There are a lot of cats in my area.




  1. I think hong kong is getting less and less fish stocks as many anglers are getting empty hands more often. Unlike fishing in Canada, it is easy to get a whole trunk of fresh fishes after a few hours. we can seldom see different kinds of insects are flying inside the hong kong and kowloon public parks, except the zoo park in Hong kong owned by the government for the tourists. we used to see a lot of butterflies of various species, birds and, particularly a flock of 30 to 40 dragon flies show us a typhoon or rain will be coming soon. Nowadays, We would be content if we could even see one showed up in the park to tell us rain or typhoon is coming soon. I rather concern more human kinds will be died out in the near future as hong kong is recognized as the most polluted city in this world. According to the various governmental information, media and health organization, hong kong has the following record in 2007.

    1) 543 had died caused by the most toxic suspendable particulates in this world, hong kong apple daily news, may, 2008.

    2) 3,000 had died of air pollution in 2007 caused chronicle diseases of asthma, heart and lungs, university of hong kong, and department of health of hong kong.

    3) 5700 had died of smoking of first and second hands in 2007, hong kong TB and heart foundation, 2008.

    Do you known how much foreign executives wanted extra to work in hong kong? It is boasted that employers needed to pay one million hk dollars extra because the hong kong poluution in 2006. The following websites will tell you how bad Hong Kong it is. More than 1.5 millions out of close to 7 million citizens are contracted to air pollution related diseases. hong kong is described as 40% dirtier the Los Angels, the most polluted city in north america.

  2. In my area lots of species are in decline and are either endangered, threatened or are a species of are a few:

    California Gnatcatcher

    Least Bell's Vireo

    Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

    Santa Ana Sucker

    Quino Checkerspot Butterfly

    Arroyo Toad

    Red-legged Frog

    Spadefoot toad

    Orange-throated Whiptail

    Coast Horned Lizard

    Granite Spiny Lizard

    Long-tailed Weasel

    Jack Rabbit

    All of these are in decline or endangered due to habitat loss (either through non-native vegetation taking over, pollution/pesticides or destruction by humans to build mini-malls and condos)

  3. The mastadon and saber tooth tiger among others, earlier and later.

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