
What species is genetic engineering legal on

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i know its not legal for humans... But what about dogs, cows and other animals




  1. Rats, and they must be treated very well with very specific conditions and they must be bought from a very specific place. That is all we could use at the lab that I did my internship at anyway. Hope this helps  :) Crazy strict rules when dealing with them, even with going in to that area of the lab. As far as I know most labs cannot use any other animal, in the U.S. unlelss it is a government approved project.

  2. Genetic engineering is when you alter the genetic material of an organism. Genetic engineering is legal for all species, including humans.  Gene therapy is a form of genetic engineering and is done with humans.  

  3. I have no idea What ur talking about Just Wishin u Good luck

  4. Depends on the country the research is being done in, and the "context" of what the researcher is try to prove. Stem cell research is "popular" at the moment, but isn't it a form of genetic engineering? ie manipulating part of a human organism for use in another.

  5. Yeah genetic engineering is basically legal on anything except humans if the correct license is held. There have been featherless chickens being made to adapt to tropical conditions. Also it is also legal on cows, they have made one with double the muscle, so it is absolutely HUGE. Also many other things can be genetiically modified (basically anything) such as fish, sheep, hamsters, rabbits that glow in the dark and most commonly rats etc. etc. there should be heaps of info if you type "genetic engineering" in google.

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