
What species is smarter that the human?

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Is there a animal/mamal with more brains than us humans?




  1. Extra-terrestrials from another planet yet to be discovered.

  2. Possibly dolphins or dachshunds?

  3. In my opinion, dogs are much smarter than humans. Every dog I've ever had learn to understand a handful of human words and phrases. Most every dog will learn words like sit or roll over.

    I, on the other hand, have never learn one single bit of dog communication. I don't know what woof means or woof woof.

    Since dogs can learn bits and pieces of human language but humans have never learn one bit of dog language, I'd say dogs are smarter.

  4. The species that manage not to get exploited by humans

  5. A brain like ours does not exist in the kingdom animal

  6. A dolphin or monkey id think

  7. I believe a dolphin's brain is larger than ours.

  8. There are smart species. But not sure enough whether smarter or not.

    1. Dolphins are smart enough to communicate and help human

    2. Chimpanzee's are smart too

    3. Dogs and Cats can be trained to be smart

    4. Elephants are smart too.

    5. Some horses were smart enough both in history and in general.

  9. Durh... I think the blue whale should have a bigger brain than us.

  10. Man is endowed with consciousness and powers of thinking,studies the inherent properties of these natural elements and makes use of them to satisfy his needs.For example...can canalise water and obtain hydro-electric power from it,ect...thus human raises themselves from the animal plane.

  11. no

    i think the closest would be a monkey

    if their was a smarter animal they would be hunting us

  12. fish lol

  13. A dolphin...And i think there was some bug that was supposedly smarter but then again weird things travel through my house so I dunno if its truth or joke. Ugh...I know the dolphin for sure though.

  14. Of course not. Maybe out in space, some aliens, surely, but here on Earth we are the only creatures who are able to reason, though many of us squander and attempt to destroy our unique defining trait.

  15. I think dolphins, some whales, and some monkeys/chimps/apes etc are considered pretty smart. I think all living things have their strengths and weaknesses. Honestly I don't think there is one that would be better or smarter then the other in every way.

  16. I think a monkey can be very smart

  17. Our species is the smartest.

  18. Every species is smarter than the human race look what we do to our planet everyday of the years that go by.

    Killing ,fighting ,polluting, etc etc

    Get my drift folks ????

    bAZ X

  19. I believe your question is, as far as brain capacity as relating to body mass, what is the most intelligent species?

    Currently, there is no species more intelligent than humans (to our knowledge). Before they were wiped out, Neanderthals had 200 cc more brain space in comparison to modern humans. I believe they are the most "intelligent" example of life form to date.

  20. Well, I would say the chimpanzees be the first top smartest animal as side from humans. Because you can't really say what animal is smarter than us, because look at technology and how far advance we are. Hope that solved something. :)

  21. cats

  22. scientists believe the dolphin to be as clever or moreso than humans

  23. The human brain is the most complex thing in the known Universe so-no.

  24. There is no species smarter then the human being. We have a developed means of communication that beats even the whales etc. We are the dominate species we are on top of the food chain yet physically we are quite weak within the mammal species. We use our brains to do more then any other animals do with their physical adavantages. Ie we can engineer, build, operate to save lifes, we have created drugs that have lenghtened our lifes and a way to preserve, cook, grow food that enables us to not rely on nature for food.

    There are many other things that humans can do that animals can not.

    A two year old child in many ways is smarter then a mature  primate cousin.

  25. Mice

    ...then dolphins

    ...then humans.

  26. Most of them are...and thats a genuine answer

  27. Smarter? Relatively speaking humans are one of the most ignorant species going, they are slowly breeding and polluting themselves out of existence, however this may just be the kicker to move off this rock called earth, so you have me stumped with this question.

  28. So far, none of the known animals on Earth are as intelligent or more intelligent than us humans. But probably in the future there might be a species that might be more advanced and smarter than humans and overtake us. Probably throught genetic engineering or some kind of evolution. Or maybe an invasion by extraterrestrials. But in terms of mammalian species, so far none are that much intelligent even though they are the most intelligent on the planet

  29. i believe just about all animals are smarter than humans, the way they work and live together can be remarkable.

  30. what do you mean by smarter

    quicker thinker

    more dexterous

    have a better memory ?

    more brains ?

    do you mean packed tighter ?

    to generalise, none, we are far far advanced to any species

    we have complex speech

    emotional relationships

    problem solving skills extraodinaire

    complex communications

    were self aware in a way like no other

    you dont see monkeys or dolphins doing crossword puzzles or theorising what a black hole is do you, or a pig looking in a mirror saying hey its me, i need to go on a diet

  31. Most animals are smarter than us when it comes to feeding their young. All other animals instinctly seek out the best nutrition they can find. Birds find grubs, worms and insects to feed their young, honeybees painstakingly collect pollen and create a nutrient-rich superfood that gives rise to a living queen bee, and even dogs, cats and cows try to find the most nutrient-rich foods to offer their offspring.

    But humans? Most of them "reward" their children with junk food, sugary sodas, candy laced with petrochemical coloring additives and refined sugars that promote obesity and diabetes.

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