
What species is this monkey?

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I've seen this type on television a lot. There was one in the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I think it's the same species as the trained monkeys of street musicians and that sort of thing.

What is this type of monkey called?




  1. capuchin, I think that's how you spell it. Think of their faces and cappuchinos

  2. Its a Cebus Apella  ( not sure if th spelling is correct).  I was working with monkeys for 18 years and we had some of those.  They are very smart and are often used in film because they can learn tricks quickly.  They may be used as "Helping Hands" monkeys.  These are monkeys used to help disabled individuals. For example, they tell a deaf person when the phone rings.  They are not usually agressive either and can make a good pet/companion to the right person.

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