
What species of gecko is best suited to living freely in my house?

by  |  earlier

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I will provide the recommended houseing, food, etc. I don't use chemical bug stuff, I hope the gecko will be my in home bug controler. Any suggestions for success & a happy gecko are appreciated.




  1. none, zero , zip, nada, dont do it  !

  2. Its not a good idea to let wild animals roam around your house but if you really want maybe an anole or house gecko would do but they would most likely die in the winter or they could esdcape easy or get stuck some where and die.

  3. Any and all.

  4. any gecko running around your home is a BAD BAD IDEA! The gecko will get stuck somewhere and die, or get outside. Please think twice about this. You will have a gecko for a day.. missing gecko for a week. dead gecko after that!

    PLEASE think twice

  5. no gecko should run freely in your house

  6. its only accomplish-able with native species, find out which ones live in your area, and purchase a couple to exist in your home. the use of only native species insures proper temperature and relative humidity, as well as preventing the introduction of native exotic species, should one leave the confines of your home. its not ideal however, please consider all aspects of this, including legality. in some areas its illegal to own native species. i highly discourage the use of exotic ones for this purpose, reasons stated above. above all, consider the welfare of the animals in your home setting.

    in my fathers home island of Chios in Greece, Turkish geckos run literally everywhere, and usually stick to ceiling corners as passageways and crevices at night, so with caution humans and native geckos can coexist. i stress caution  though.

  7. i say a tokay or just a leopard gecko     tokays are mean

    leopard geckos are cute and fun

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