
What species of worms do fish like the most?

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Question explains it. My dad told me to look it up but I can't find it anywhere. So what worm do fish tend to like the most or bite more?




  1. Canaidian nightcrawlers are the most common and work amazing i think. if nothing else works then use worms!!!

  2. euro nightcwalers but it all depends on the type you want to catch

  3. For bass/catfish - likely the Canadian Nightcrawler, for bluegill/redear/crappie - likely waxworms.

  4. any nightcrawlers,they're not gonna spit out a worm cuz it tastes bad

  5. CAnadian Nightcrawlers are the best. but any work or night crawler will work fine. If you can hide a hook in it, go fish.

  6. NightCrawlers (CANADIAN)

  7. NightCrawlers are the best hands down.

  8. i fish with Canadian night-crawlers but it really doesn't matter!

  9. night cralers

  10. Lake / pond fishing for bass / catfish / pike

    large canadian night crawler - rig it so the tail wiggles freely enticing them as it drops in the water....Hook size 2/4/6

    In streams or rivers I prefer...

      euro worms because their smaller and more of what the fish are used to seeing... smallies and trout seem to like them smaller too.  Hook size 8/10/12

    Redworms work great for bluegills and sometimes trout - small hooks though  - size 12/14

    Trout and panfish like wax worms or mealworms...

    I've caught trout in streams with waxworms when earthworms wouldn't work...

  11. I have found that over the years, pan fish prefer the smaller red worms , then the regular earthworms, then last is the night crawlers- the wax worms are in a tie with the earthworms.

    All species of worms will catch fish including grubs.

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