
What specific chants to you have towards NHL teams/players?

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What specific chants to you have towards NHL teams/players?




  1. Eemmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrryyyyyyyyyy, Eemmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy

  2. When Stu Barnes was playing for the Stars we would a give a good "Stuuuuuuuuuuuu" whenever he had the puck. We did something similar when Todd Bertuzi was in town, we'd go "Boooooooooooooooooooo".  

  3. GO Flames GO

  4. as a leafs fan

    "Go Leafs go", to daniel alfredsson "Alllfffiieeee, Allllfffffiiieeee", for raycroft, it was "razor, razor" until he sucked, now we cheer him for every save, for belak, "belak! belak!".

  5. When Red Wings goalie Chris Osgood makes a huge save everyone starts chanting "OZZZZIEEEE."  

  6. Do drunken slurs count?  If so, this one it my fav-y!

    What wers ya thnkin! Dat mo-fo was rigt der in front of the net, you sak of turds! Gettin all shellfish n whatnot.  You had no shot. Pass dat junk.  What the fudge! I'm gettin a refill.  Let me know if sumtin is happin.

    Actually, I have never been drunken to a slur during hockey.  I'm just bing silly.

  7. As a Leaf fan my fav is "Alfie, Alfie, you suck!

  8. I used to love the "Nineteen" chant against the Rangers, then big headed r****d Messier had to run that with the cup in 93'(I believe)  

  9. i love the ozzie chant myself.  at western michigan they have a good chant whenever they actually score.  everybody points at the goalie and chants "its all your fault, its all your fault, you just suck, you just suck".

  10. In Florida we use  Go cats Go. Let's go Panthers. No real opposing chant . They have also started to yell Booooooooooooooth , when David Booth carries the puck.This past season they were into the need more cowbell. So heard that way too many times

  11. "Chelios you b*stard"

    Well "Hip Hip Huet" is pretty fun to say even though I hate Huet

    Whenever Crosby gets tripped it is fun to say "10 10 10"

  12. Of course, being a Devils fan we have "Rangers suck, Flyers swallow."  And when Brodeur makes a big save, we chant "Marty!  Marty!"  Also, theres always that guy who goes "Gimmie a D....D!....Gimmie an E....E!...etc. what's that spell?  Devils!  Devils!  Devils!  Let's Go Devils!"

    I remember i attended Zach Parise and Crosby's first NHL game (the first game of the season).  Parise scored and Crosby didn't!  Crosby had all those expectations and Parise was the one who ended up scoring!  So the fans all chanted "Parise's Better, Parise's Better".  Except that ended up being false, but it was great while it lasted.

  13. C- A -P -S caps caps caps

  14. Every time the Wheeling Nailers score a goal they say "He shoots, he scores, hey goalie, YOU SUCK!"  its awesome haha and fun!

  15. OZZ-IE    OZZ-IE    OZZ-IE

    and then my personal favorite

    Tuuuuuuurcoooooooooo    Tuuuuuuurcoooooooooo

    Because it's funny to see it get in his head.

  16. I like to shout for Ozzie, that seems to be the most enthusiastic chant of late.  The 'Let's Go Red Wings' one doesn't do it for me, and my son and I keep saying we'll have to try and teach the crowd some 'limey chants'.  Might need to clean up the vocabulary though!

  17. Marrrrrrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyy Marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty

    that chants hilarious in mellon brodeur.  good times goood times.

  18. My favorite has always been "Ug-ly Goal-lie" chant every time a goalie removes his mask.

  19. The best was when miller didn't make team usa for the olympics so everybody would chant U-S-A! U-S-A!

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