
What specific even-toed ungulate has a brace of fatty protuberances jutting from its non-frontal area?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, just for the redord, I already know the answer. I just wanted to tell every Subeta member who looks this up to stop ragging on the other people who are asking it! It isn't cheating if it is not through Subeta! (I think...) Plus, you searched the question, so you might as well be calling yourself a cheater too! Just, fyi. Thanks, and have a GREAT day! :]




  1. are they right?

    is it a camel?

    you know i chose to answer, just coz all of your answerers have the TC badge.. hehehe,

    nice oranges, eh?/

  2. If you ask for the answer, you're cheating.

    If you look up the answer, you're cheating.

    I don't give a **** if you "just looked it up to tell everyone not to cheat" because you're still ******* cheating whether you "already knew the answer" or not.

    The correct answer is Jessie the Camel.


    Jessie the Camel has, two humps!"

  3. It would have to be a bactrian camel as a dromedary has only one hump.

  4. Sounds like a camel to me.  Maybe a camel of the one hump variety?

  5. I looked it up cause I didn't know there were any camels on Subeta o3o

  6. Your interesting question caught my eye.  I had no idea what the answer was to your question so I thought I'd look to see what other people wrote.  

    Then I saw you mention something called Subeta.  I had never heard of it either so....then I looked that for anybody else that opens this after me you know that the answer is


    and Subeta is a virtual pet website/ created in 2004.  And it is frequently described as a combination of virtual pet site, Devian Art, Live Journal, Gaia Online and MySpace (at least that is what it says in Wiki).

  7. A camel?

  8. a camel

    Edit: Not sure if this is what you wanted since I'm not a Subeta member.

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