
What specific faith-based initiative do you think american taxpayer should support and why?

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both political campaigns apparently support tax funded faith based initiatives. the american people seem increasingly interested in ending the separation of church and state. so who is going to get the dough?which faiths? what kinds of initiatives? i would be interested in learning how citizens who support faith based initiatives see this working. what objective standards can and should the government establish to determine which faith based initiatives receive money?




  1. You have to understand that for many years prior to Bush, faith-based programs WERE supported by federal tax dollars, with some significant rules: You can't hire someone for that program based on their faith; you can't use the dollars to prostheletise your faith; and you can't require attendance at church or other services in exchange for benefits from the program.

    Bush swept aside those safeguards used by both Clinton and George Bush Snr. Obama plans to put them back in place.

    Working under these guidelines in the past, these organizations have done a remarkable job in serving the poor and needy; and will do again once Obama is elected.

  2. None.  Let faith organizations provide their own funding for charitable activities.   If a religious organization wants to do something for the community, that is fine and well.  I don't see why our government needs to support or pay for it.

    Always thought this was a goofy idea.

    How do we know the faith based organizations are acting in a responsible fashion?  

  3. Currently, mainly Christian faiths get 'faith-based' incentives. I don't remotely like any faith based groups getting extra money OVER all other types of groups. I don't think Sally's day care is any better than Betty's daycare, just b/c Sally is a Christian. Regardless, we have already funded many of these programs for the past few years....most of them cannot stay afloat without federal funding....I don't know that putting people out of work and closing down places that mainly support children is the best thing to do, but it never should have been started in the first place.

  4. Why should my tax dollar go to support planned parenthood?  I am clearly opposed to it, yet I have no choice in the matter.  I am not opposed to funding faith based programs because our gov't wastes plenty of money on things that are certainly not faith based that do nothing to build up our society.  In fact, many of them reward laziness and I am opposed to all of those.  At least there would be some good work coming from a faith based aspect.

  5. None.

    Our tax dollars are consistently being used to pay for Muslim interests - foot baths at airports, calls to prayer over public address systems, etc.

    For the record, there is nothing in the constitution about the "separation of church and state."

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..."

    That means that there is no officially sponsored state religion. It doesn't mean that you can't say, "Merry Christmas" or put up a Christmas tree on public property.



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