
What specific gravity of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid?

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What specific gravity of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid?




  1. The specific gravity of these acids is directly related to the concentration of the acid. There are many tables available which give these data. For your advice I quote below some of these:

    HCl SG : ConcM/v

    1.050 = 10.52%

    1.100 = 20.39

    1.115 = 30.14

    1.198 = 40.00

    This is the highestconcentration of HCl available

    Nitric acid:

    1.050 = 9.259

    1.100 = 17.58

    1.150 = 25.48

    1.200 = 32.94

    1.25 = 40.58

    1.300 = 48.42

    1.350 = 56.95

    1.400 = 66.97

    1.45 = 79.43

    1.500 = 96.73

    1.513 = 100

    You culd draw a graph of these data and get the SG of any concentration you wish.

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