
What specific ideas does Obama and McCain stand for?

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Obama: If you answer 'change,' be more specific--WHAT changes?

McCain: Is he pro/con the war?

Please use as many specifics as possible! Thanks :)




  1. They're exactly the same. they're politicians aren't they.

    Change is the promise they've made every election. But until drastic measures are needed nothing happens.

    Obama was raised muslim by his father, recently converted to christianity. He's black so that's about as much change as you'll get. Pretty good guy sides the whole politician thing. He's all for environmental changes. but he won't do anything different than Mcain.

    Mcain is some old gomer. he doesn't kill babies but not many ppl do anymore. he doesn't support g*y ppl.....openly haha. he's also the same as any republican before him.

    both prez candidates have war plan exit strategies. And both are mathmatical formalus designed to look like they will take everything into account and give us an out for the war without colapsing the government over there, but they're just strategies. They won't be followed. It's more about getting into office.

    once they're in they will start a pattern of behavior ppl will come to hate and we will have to wait til one of them is in office to see which one would have been better.

    Parties suck. they're all or nothing. they split up government and make it hard to get things done. it's called hyperpluralism when the parties can't agree on anything and nothing gets done. And it's called pluralism when the compromise. but it's really about money. who can bring home money to where they promised it. Usually to the rich. Where's robinhood when you need him?

  2. Obama is with the tax and spend groupe

    who beleave they know how to spend your money for you.

    McCain is with government downsizing and taxing less

    he beleaves that most smart peoples know how to invest ...

  3. Obama - Socialism, destruction of the middle class (of course he will preserve the elite class).

    McCain - Anti-war!  Having seen what war can do, he is not a war monger, but I think he is a realist and understands that war is policy by other means.

  4. setting goals they will never accomplish to win voters

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