
What specific qualifications do i need to become a debt counsellor?

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I am 26, have managed my own house for 7 years and have experience of being in debt but managed to get myself out of it. The thing is whilst my debt was small and manageable really, other people get themselves into a right state and it is all too obvious to me where they are going wrong. I have been asked for help from workmates and have been able to point them in the right direction (without sounding sanctimonious) as we have all been there and I think I have a skill in this area (one of my workmates suggested it to me as a possible career) I really would like to do this as it would mean helping people and using my brain (for a change)




  1. First, you have to be able to spell the word counselor.

  2. I don't think you need a qualification for this but I know to get employment from a debt counselling company or a bank you need a clean credit rating. I was an accounts assistant long time ago and cant get a job in this field because of my credit problems - they think if you cant sort out your own you cant sort other peoples, even though mine was due to divorce etc.

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