
What specifically could I study about these women?

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I posted this question earlier, but got very few responses, so I am posting again...

I would like to do some research on modern day women who are not only the 1st women to hold a high level position in their respective field, but also the 1st minority. However, I am not sure what apsects of these women to focus on. This has to be a major paper, so just providing biographical info is not enough. I have to come up with a topic that I can study that is related to this specific group of women. Any ideas?




  1. How they cope at work? How do they feel about being a minority?What's next for them? What is their home life like? This will take alot of thought.  

  2. When someone is first or best at something, they usually have a story to tell, so thinking about it from that angle, some ideas might be:

    1) What motivated these women to achieve?

    2) Where did they derive their inspiration, encouragement or goals from?

    3) Did they face obstacles along the way? What were they (this is especially good if the obstacles are not what you might usually expect)

    4) How did they overcome obstacles and move forward, what kept their dream or goals alive for them?

    5) Now they have reached this position, where next for them?

    6) Do they mentor others and pass along their experience and enthusiasm to others?

    7) How do they see their lives and success as impacting on the wider community, beyond their immediate feeling of personal success and enjoyment?

    8) Do they have advice for others?

    9) What are the issues they feel are most important facing women, their minority and the world community today? What is their view of how it can be faced?

    OK, not the most fascinating of questions but they are the basic things from which some interesting narratives and conversations might arise. From there, you might be able to find strands of thoughts and ideas from which a whole picture of similarity or difference can be presented.

    Best wishes :-)

  3. My question would be what about them took them to the top of their careers while their sisters still sit at the bottom.  All things being equal.  How did they make it?  Which doesn't necessarily have to be asked of just minoritys.

  4. It might be interesting to compare these women's childhood and women who choose to leave the work place to be SAHM's.

    How their parents relationship was.

    religious influences

    where the differences in the way the sibling were raised.

    Parents are a huge influence on our physiological development, and how we are raised really determines who we are.  It would be interesting to compare these two groups of women with very different mind sets.  

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