
What spelling do you like better

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the name is for a little girl the middle name Rose... i just want opinions on the spelling not on the name itself as thats what the name is going to bo so no other suggestions are needed..thanks




  1. Depending on where you are, people will pronounce this name differently. For example: Addyson (Add-e-son) ew much? Addison has almost the same issue: (Add-a-son). Therefore, I'd go with the third one. CUTE spelling and a fool-proof way to pronounce a beautiful name. (Add-ih-sin).  

  2. i like the third one best

    i love the spelling of it

  3. Addison. Its the traditional spelling, although I don't really care for the name Addison. The nickname Addie is cute though.

  4. Definitely Addison. I'm not really a fan of alternative spellings. Your child will find it hard to spell and will get confused with their name.

    I say keep it original with the traditional spelling of Addison.

  5. I love the spelling Addison. It's a gorgeous name! I think you should keep it the simple spelling because thats how people would "assume" she spells it and it probably will save her lots of time and c**p trying to get them to fix it...etc. Good luck, these baby's will be here soon!

  6. I would say the second one is the best fit with the middle name.  

  7. I like it spelled Addison, and I see it as a very feminine name. I love the nickname Addy (which is what I call my daughter Adeline)...I love it! Good luck!

  8. Addison Rose is the nicest.

  9. I would choose 'Addison' because it makes phonetic sense, won't confuse someone trying to pronounce it and would most likely be the choice of spellings when your daughter is telling people her name-meaning that in the future she won't go through life saying "Oh, that's Addyson with a 'Y'.  

    By the way, Addison Rose is a lovely name!  

    God bless you!

  10. I love this name, and it is one of the names I have chosen for my baby that is due in 3 weeks.

    I like Addyson.

  11. 2nd 1 seems like a real spell.

  12. Addyson

  13. I vote for Addison its the best for spelling and pronunciation, which your daughter will appreciate when they're calling her name in class ;)

  14. I think it is definately a girls name not boys.I like the 2nd and 3rd spelling

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