
What sport did you like??? example: volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, etc.???

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volleyball is most intersting sport to me.. what about you???




  1. I soooooo agree!!!

    Volleyball is my fav sport!!! (as you can kinda see by my

    In my opinion, it's more fun to play then it is to watch.

  2. basketball

  3. volleyball's a fun community sport.

  4. badminton

  5. Volleyball IS the best Sport EVER!!!!!!


  6. well i play volleyball swimming and dance team! And i cant chews i like them all and its great cause there all in different seasons!!!!lol

  7. Basketball and volleyball are my number ones

  8. i like football but love softball

  9. taekwondo and swimming

  10. soccer i have been playing for 3 years it helps you get fit and get excercise and plus it is fun

  11. Volleyball is defiantly the most interesting.  Unless you're one of those testosterone junkies who need to see a bunch of 300lb guys hitting each other.  And it is so much more explosive than all the other court sports with a net.

  12. i like soccer... i know alot about it & love watch its games...

    but when it comes 2 practicing a sport... i like swimming & basket ball! :)

  13. hgjh

  14. Volleyball is the best sport in the word and always will be!!

  15. I love so many sports but my favorites r volleyball, basketball, curling, and football.

  16. Volleyball All The Way!!!!!

  17. i was the captain of my high school team for 2 years. i liked it, but i don't like watching it. i love watching football because i know i won't ever be able to play it.

  18. I like soccer since I have been playing since I was little....and I also like dance. Yes, dance IS a sport. That would have to be my favorite sport because I love the music and feeling of it...

  19. volleyball, basketball and football

  20. tennis

  21. Volleyball is definitly the one that needs the most work. You have to have arm strength for the serves and consistent setting. You have to have good shoulder muscles and hand-eye coordanation for passing a ball. And you have to have fit legs for bending down to dig a ball. You also have to be quick and beable to move fast to chase a ball. You need to be able to jump high for spiking. Gosh there is so much more you need too. But most importanly you need to know how to communicate to your teamates and learn that there is no "I" in team.

    But I do love volleyball and is the most important sport in my life. Heck, it is my life.

  22. CHEERLEADING! yes it is a sport! it really works u out and its hard but very FUN!

  23. Well, I'm biased; so not surprisingly, I like the 2 I became unbeatable at by the time I was 15: Kick2Kick Aussie football AND Wall Veeball/downball.

    They would be my 2 favourites.

    But I also have certainly loved tennis over the years as well... and formal Australian Football is one of the most highly skilful games of all

  24. well to me rugby is the most exciting sport

  25. badminton, basketball, pingpong, volleyball, and soccer

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