
What sport has more contact... the UFC or american football?

by  |  earlier

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were talking about contact in general, level of intensity in all




  1. Football has more serious injuries if that's what you're looking for.  The UFC goes to great lengths to prevent serious injuries to their fighters.  The referees watch very closely for signs that a fighter has gone out of the fight.  Unlike boxing that allows a fighter time to recuperate after being knocked down, the UFC will stop the fight as soon as the ref determines that one fighter can't defend himself intelligently even for a second.

    American football on the other hand is known to produce a lot of broken bones even spinal cord injuries from the crashes.  The worst injury I can remember in the UFC, under the new rule, was when Frank Mir broke his opponent's jaw.

  2. idk im a girl

    but your HOT in the picture btw!

  3. wow man this is the dumbest question. UFC: full contact you bleed barely any protection your allowed to punch kick basically anything. FOOTBALL: tackle. see the difference?

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