
What sport should I play in High School?

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I already plan on playing football but I need some other chocies I'm About 5 7 or 5 8 135 really fast and also pretty strong for my size what sports would fit me well oh no water sports im not a good swimmer?




  1. lacrosse is really hot and so is baseball ;)

  2. badminton! u can improve ur flaxibility too

  3. i'm a high school & professional gymnast, and a high school hockey player.

  4. BASKETBALL. It is awesome if you have talent.

  5. Track!

    You said you were really fast and it will help your legs stay in shape, and get you faster for football season. Their is also indoor track if your interested in that for the winter. I've done track for years and its fun and I stay in shape for football season. Also, almost half the football team at my school is also on the track team because it is great for keeping your body in shape.

    You also mentioned that your strong, so you can maybe throw javelin, discus, or the shot put and this will keep your arms strong and you would be able to throw it far.

    It is possible to do both throwing and running to get the best of both worlds.

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