
What sport to play freshmen year in fall?

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im a 14 year old guy going into my freshmen year in highschool. pretty much 5'7 and 115 pounds. Im skinny but have been playing football the last couple years. have been working out to get stronger and put on more pounds but hasnt really worked........i really like football but i dont think im big enough and dont want to be punter/kicker. im a really good basketball player and go to national camps for that but still want to do other sports besides just bball so i dont get sick of it. i run a 6 minute mile, bench 95 12 reps 3 sets and stuff. im also an ok golfer and might play that. i play with my dad alot. wut wud u suggest. its football for r school, basketball on an AAU team or golf on the school team.




  1. I would say golf.  Just by your size.PLus you may get out of classes early.

  2. well i personally like basketball the best but have you tried volleyball?

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