
What sports are good for short people?

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I love all sports, but i'm shorter than most people. i've been playing basketball my whole life, but i have such a disadvantage now due to my height. What sports are there where height doesn't matter?




  1. Uh, you have not even begun to hit your growth spurt.  I am 6'2" and I didn't start getting tall until I got into junior college.  So relax.  Having said that; there have been plenty of basketball players that were not overly tall but, were excellent players.  "Pistol" Pete Maravich and Spud Webb are two that come to mind.  Also, soccer, martial arts, ice hockey, wrestling and bowling are some sports that you don't have to be tall to be good at.  Hope this helps.

  2. I'm guessing you haven't hit your growth spurt.  if you haven't keep playing.  you will sprout up.  If you are 4'10 and have hit puberty, i suggest  some soccer maybe

  3. If you are short and stocky with muscle you could be a good shot putter, but if you have at least leg muscles the I would say wrestling, It would be hard to move someone like you so close to the ground.

  4. What about baseball, swimming, golf etc

  5. Jockey...

    Sorry, that's not a sport is it? I suppose you know what I meant anyway. Like the others said, you haven't finished growing yet.  Just look for things where height doesn't matter much and even in basketball, if you're fast and can jump you can still be an asset to the team.

  6. You may be a little discouraged now but I don't think you should stop playing a sport you love because of your height. There's a place for everybody short or tall in all sports. Look at Muggsy Bogues. At 5'3 he play in the NBA for 14 years!

    Work on things that can be a strength for shorter players like quickness.dribbling, outside shooting and defence.

    plus being only 15 you still have some growing to do. Keep working at it.  

  7. Gymnastics. I'm 14, and 5'0. You'ld be great on all the events. Plus, the best gymnasts are under 5'3, because they're center of gravity is lower.

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