
What sports for girls? haha?

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ok i am 14 and i do gymnastics, but just for fun. and i wanted to get into a sport that would be fun and maybe competitive. What sports are good. i am a girl and i don't want to be with younger kids and i don't want to be too far behind.




  1. soccer!

  2. Soccer is a good one. Softball and tennis are decent choices if you want activity with less chance of injury. If you want something very low-intensity, golf might be an idea.

    If you want something more adventurous/out of the ordinary, there's target shooting, archery, fencing, and martial arts. If you're already decent at gymnastics, picking up any of the martial arts popular today (karate, taekwondo, etc.) should be very easy for you.

    Hopefully one of those sounds good! Best wishes on finding a sport you love. ;)

  3. There are many sports to suit yourself may not allow me for detail.log on to


  5. girls hockey.

    i play competivie boys hockey,

    but there is a local girls team

    who does not travel

    and most of thoes girls have

    just started or are not very good.

    i played for them my first year.

    i sucked. i had the best time though.

    lots of fun.

    volleyball is always another option.

  6. play lacrosse!

    its so much fun, and there is very little chance of getting hurt. you can play on all different competitive levels, such as where you travel every weekend or just a local team that plays every sunday. you will pick up the game so quickly. you don't have to have AMAZING stick work but you have to have a little because you have to be able to throw, catch, and scoop. i would deff. play lax im 14 and i play and it is so much fun!

  7. softball!

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