
What springs to mind when i say........?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Cinderella - my favourite Disney film.  A total classic!

  2. Florida

  3. Head frozen is cryogenic suspension.

  4. Land

    princesses, castles, happy endings

    Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minne, etc

    Walt Disney

    The disney logo

  5. Walt Disey & disney world in florida or disney land in los angeles,california

  6. film

  7. The Incredibles.

  8. Come visit me.

  9. Snow white and the seven dwarfs :)

  10. Pron

    also.. to the person who answered this first, i'm not sure why you put a smiley after Walt... he was a racist.

  11. Donald Duck!  

  12. Mickey Mouse x

  13. pirates of the carribbean

  14. Mickey Mouse x

  15. (Over-Rated) Movies

  16. all the disney charectors

  17. mickey mouse

  18. lol....i thought of the family guy episode (211) of walt disney forcing minnie mouse to undress while he draws her.

    minnie: have to (while shivering)

    walt : you want to be a star dont u? NOW TAKE IT OFF! yes...yess thats it...

    lol, that was funny

  19. the word is ~~sugar

  20. McDonald

  21. Walt.

  22. Pudding

  23. Lion King.

  24. I don't much like admitting this, but: Hannah Montana.

    I think that all of the newer Disney has been polluting the older, nicer, better Disney.  

  25. World.

  26. channel

  27. Walt


  28. Paris

  29. walt

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