
What sprint phone shold i get ?

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The Touch- great phone but is touchscreen and can scratch

The Blackberry curve-great phone and i love it

The Mogul- Like it but it is big and i do not like the layout or how small the touchscreen buttons are so you have to use a stylus

The Rumor - like the keyboard but don't like the front of the phone and the screen being to the right

i am 12 and know i want big phones but dont have internet or anything

i text but dont text alot

PS dont just say the phone give me a reason please




  1. The touch- dont be to concerned about the screen they sell really thin screen protectors to prevent scratching. Besides it comes with case so it has extra protection.As far as texting goes...super kool you can do it like regular phones but by touch or you can use the stylus and just write on the phone as if it were pen and paper.Awesome phone.

  2. you should get the Blackberry, its nice,big,text,internet,games(my dad has one), camera,video,it's also basically you can download music and listen to it like an ipod, so instead of carrying a phone and ipod you can just carry the Blackberry. ahh...its big but not too big.

    okay i have The Rumor, the white one i love it but i don't recommend it because it gets easily broken, when mine accidentally broke the first time the company told my dad that the phone has a lot of problems and gets easily broken.

    Hope i helped!

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