
What sre strength and weaknessess of being an autism??

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What sre strength and weaknessess of being an autism??




  1. First off, it depends on what type of autism you're talking about.If you're taking about profound autism then a weakness is some of them cannot talk. If you're talking about autism in general, then some weaknesses may be not being able to feel physical pain as well as nonautistic people, hard to recognize facial experessions, taking things literally, and having a hard time socially.

    The strenghts may include being honest, loyal, being able to think in pictures very well, and having a topic which the person knows a lot about.

  2. This is difficult to answer because each individual with autism is very very different.  However, even if an individual has autism there are many strengths that individual can have.  I have always believed one can build on these strengths and be successful.

  3. Some high functioning autistic children usually learn easily following routines, strictly organizes things and can easily memorize and imitate the exact dictions and pronunciations of TV journalists and the likes. They're waeknesses are, they are more prone to infection because they have lower immune system, they tend to repeat what you say and tendencies are they don't comprehend what you say, they're just parroting your words. They throw tantrums whenever you disarrange something or break the routine.

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