
What stand does a woman have in Islam if her husband is abusive to her?...In regards to the relationship....?

by  |  earlier

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does she still have to give her husband his marital rights, such as intercourse?

All in all, what does Islam say about physical abuse?




  1. Abuse is unacceptable.

    Divorce is indeed an option.

    *footnote - Thumbs down on such an important question, regarding human life, shows much ignorance!

    "Peace be always with you."


  2. One word: divorce.

  3. She has the right to remain silent, anything she says may be used against her..........           ........             .........

  4. Well, if it is too deadly abusive, like any abusive husbands, regardless of religion, Christianity, Islam, Hindus, Judaism, ectra, then she can ask for a divorce in Islam.

  5. She should do what she feels necessary to hold her patience.

    She should seek council with her family and with his family.

    She should NOT keep others in the dark and herself isolated.

    No Matter how worthless she feels, she needs to remember she is worth just as much as any other human.

    If worse comes to worse and she cannot be patient and cannot reach out then she needs to empower herself and go for a divorce.

    But if she goes for divorce she is going to have to break free of the shackles that will be placed upon her.

    It takes a powerful woman to break free of an Abusive husband on her own.

  6. She would divorce him just like any other women being abused by there husband.

  7. if he is physicially abusive she can seek a divorce which is a right of the woman in Islam.

  8. Husbands should treat there wives like queens! My dad has NEVER abused my mom, and I know that he NEVER will. He doesn't like that stuff.

    p.s. If I had husband that abused me, one word: divorce

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