
What standards can be misinterpreted as legalism in the church?

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For example, women and men wearing conservative clothing that is not revealing. Some may say it's a standard. Others may say legalism.




  1. And again others may chuckle.

  2. "Why don't you keep the sabbath" (i.e., Saturday).  That's legalism.  Especially since the new testament tells us "let no man judge you of the holy days you keep".

  3. NO Legalism is when they say no pants at all!!

    or when 5 sacraments are added..

  4. The  'old testament' is Genesis-Malachi whereas the scriptural old testament is the law of Moses. (test; T or F; my answer, F). (Apply 2 or more witnesses principle(Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor.13:1); witnesses include Joshua, Nehemiah, David, Daniel, Malachi, Jesus, and Paul (Tobit if one is presently Catholic).  

  5. This is the benefit of having the Holy Spirit in your heart. This was Paul's point in Romans 2:14-15

    ...for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)

    Legalism puts you under bondage to the law. Living according to the Spirit makes all things lawful (not license) toward godliness and right living.

  6. Anything that becomes "law" and a "sin" that is not directly commanded or principly commanded in the Bible would be an item of legalism.  

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