
What star signes?

by Guest67112  |  earlier

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what star signes are particularly better abled to have "paranormal" activity? i believe libra was like the most likely? idk




  1. I would say the water signs, because they're more open-minded (especially Pisces). They tend to go with the flow more and not totally rule anything out. I'm Cancer, I should know, lol.


  2. You meant signs not signes.

    Libra is the scale so is NOT a star just a balance scale and the others are like animals or ppl.

    is basically astrology read from the moving stars..On techinical terms.

  3. i would say Scorpio and Pisces.

  4. Pisces

  5. I wish it was mine but sadly no. I'm a total Ghost Hunters addict and have always been drawn to the weired said of life but I've never had a paranormal experience, I would love it if I did. Beam me up Scotty!
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