
What star type is the largest?

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What star type is the largest?




  1. The biggest known star is VY Canis Major.

    It is a hyper giant.

    here's a list of the largest stars:

    Incidentally supergiants and hypergiants are not subclasses of red giants!

    Red giants descend from relatively low mass stars (like the sun)

    Supergiants come from high mass stars (10 times the mass of the sun and up).

    The most massive stars are around 100 times the mass of the sun (e.g. eta Carina)

    Even stars like the sun get pretty big in old age (during the red giant phase). The sun will swallow the Earth during its second red giant phase (the AGB phase) - it will be approximately 500 times larger than it is now, but not any more massive.

  2. The largest stars are called supergiants. The biggest ever found is 10 million times as bright as the Sun.

  3. Red Super giants

  4. The largest known star is VY Canis Majoris.

  5. red supergiant

  6. Red giants are the largest. Subgiants, giants, bright giants, supergiants and hypergiants are all stages of the red giant, with hypergiants being the largest.

    Red giants are stars with radii tens to hundreds of times larger than that of the Sun which have exhausted the supply of hydrogen in their cores and switched to fusing hydrogen in a shell outside the core.

  7. Hypergiants are the largest known Stars.Look up Canis Majoris

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