
What stars do people on the equator see?

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Ok, so if the norther hemisphere sees one part of the universal sky, and the southern hemisphere sees the other, does the equator see all of the stars then? I've always been wondering. Thanks.





    This is great freeware that you can download.  If you tell it where you are, it will tell you what you see.  You can tell it that you are standing on the equator right now and it will show you exactly what you would see if you are there.  You can see the skies from all around the world with this.  Enjoy

  2. i don't think even someone at the equator can see 100% of the stars.... i could be wrong, but i really don't think i am.  

  3. yes

    Although the North star Polaris would appear constantly hugging the horizon.  Since Polaris is not that bright (it is important because of its location, but it is not the brightest star), it might be difficult to see, so low.

    Of course, on any given day, they cannot see the stars that appear close to the Sun.  But over the year, they will have access to the entire celestial sphere.

  4. Yes.  All of them, if you have a good horizon all the way around.

    Polaris actually isn't exactly at true North.  It's about half a degree off.  So it may rise and set too.

    It turns out that the Atmosphere helps you a bit.  It raises stuff near the horizon by about 0.6 degrees.

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