
What started globalwarming was it poullution?

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basiclly what is global warming




  1. co2,  not polution.

  2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) exists in our atmosphere - a few hundred parts per million.

    With the burning of fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal, we increase the amount of the CO2.  CO2 helps retain heat, making the world a little hotter.

    The effects are not uniform - the poles get much more temperature change, which is why the polar ice pack is melting very fast.

  3. We can observe that the average temperature is increasing. We can observe that the level of  CO2 in the atmosphere is also increasing. We know, by experiment, that CO2 works as a greenhouse and should therefore contribute to an increase of the temperature.

    But methane also works as a greenhouse gas and about ten times as much as CO2. Methane is released by all animals as a result of the digestion. I read about a veterinarian who experiement with different hay types to reduce methane production in cows.

    The question then is: Why does the CO2 increases when fire has been burning and animals living on earth for centuries? The answer is that when we burn fossile fuel, we burn, thus create CO2, with what was suppose to rot or burn millions of years ago. If you fire with wood, you are CO2 neutral. The CO2 you produce is supposed to be taken again by a tree that grows where the one you burnt was taken. But that is not the case for fossil fuel; it only increases the balance.

  4. well, the Earth went through plenty of periods of cooling and warming before humans were ever here creating the tons of pollution that people say we create

  5. Global warming is when the overall global average temperatures rises over a period of time.  This occurs as result of many factors, and is a natural part of this planet.  Changes in things such as solar insolation, atmospheric gases, absorption of solar radiation and emission of terrestrial radiation, water vapor content all play a part (amongst other factors as well).  These are constantly changing, and the Earth-atmosphere system responds with weather and climate shifts.  There is not a right and proper climate for the Earth, and we can't make one and stop climate change.  Eventually the cycle will reverse and a period of global cooling will ensue (like it was supposedly happening in the 70's).

  6. With Global Warming being a highly debated subject it's still called into question of there being such a thing. The idea is there, but the math is too fuzzy. The most common theory is yes, pollution, but it's only a theory. Some may say Aliens, while this may seem absurd, they have just as much proof as the Al Gores out there.

    Think of it this way. it's like Albert Einsteins Theory of Relativity; widely accepted in the scientific community, yet it still is only a Theory, NOT a Law. Without evidence or means to test this idea there is no conclusive result. Just like Global Warming.

  7. there are many factors resulting in global warming. basically its a vicious cycle - we people cause all kinds of pollution like air, water pollution. this affects the water creatures and our atmosphere. we hunt which affects the ecosystem. all these factors lead to climate change. the pollution we make emits a lot of heat. eg. the large amounts of electricity we use throughout the world is emiting a lot of heat - so much heat that the glaciers are melting causing floods and climate is changing so it rains during ood times and is hot or cold in odd seasons! the animals and migratory birds are being affected by this!

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