
What state can I move to that has good pay/job oppts., neighborhood & public transit? ?

by Guest58524  |  earlier

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I'm from Queens, New York and I was wondering if you could suggest a City and State for me, my husband and our 2 year old daughter to move to (apartment).

Preferably a diverse, low crime, kid friendly area with spring-like weather year round (can't stand brutually cold weather)

Husband - Accounting, Me - Customer Service, Entry-level Advertising, working with children.

I hope this is the right category, we're looking for a new home state.




  1. I think that what you are going to find is, wherever the climate is to your liking it's going to be more of a retirement state/local with few job opportunities and low pay.  If you are moving due to health conditions good luck.  If you are doing this due to personal dislike for inclement weather, you're making a big mistake.

  2. Wow, I will check back to find out where this place is.

    Economy is awesome here in Alaska, but brutal weather.

    Portland Oregon is sweet with public transpo, but high crime....

  3. Massachusetts.  

    Cape Cod, Plymouth, Easton or otherwise around there.  Lovely.

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