
What state do Desperate Housewives live in?

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Off course I know that this is fiction!!!

but as the Simpsons got their home in Vermont I thought that may be it;s implied somehow where they might live.




  1. It's a made up street name of a made up city (Fairview). The show is filmed on a lot in Hollywood, CA.

  2. It's a TV show filmed in Hollywood. It's NOT real!!!

  3. It never tells us!

    But if there was a tornado there, it must be somewhere where tornados occur. And I dont think it's ever snowed there, so maybe somewhere in the southern states??

  4. If you look on the license plates, envelopes, etc... it will say "Eagle State." It is a fictional state like Fairview is a fictional city and Wisteria Lane is a fictional street.

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