
What state has the best medical coverage and a decent cost of living?

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Standard typical rent for a single persons dwelling and really good hospitals & Doctors? Where I am at I have to tell my Oncologist how to do her job. At this rate I am going to die sooner than necessary and don't like that prospect. Any information on really good places to rent and get medical attention is appreciated. If you don't know what the word Oncologist means, please don't just look it up and then assume you can answer this question. I am asking this seriously and would prefer sincere answers. Thank you




  1. Definetly check out:


  2. Where do you currently live?

    I live in Texas. I don't know that this is the place you want to be, but for health care we have some of the best. I have met quite a few people who traveled to or relocated to Dallas, *HOUSTON or San Antonio for their Oncology care because they found out that's where the best Oncologists were in our state. Check out the docs in those cities I mentioned, especially HOUSTON and SA (University of Texas). I personally hate Houston, but if I had reason to be seeing an Oncologist, I definitely would relocate there.

    Aside from that, alot of people are moving here because they think we have a more acceptable cost of living. Personally, I think it's really bad everywhere and we're not much different, but maybe the small difference in rent and the better medical care would be worth it. Austin may be a consideration as far as a doctor, however that is a pretty high cost of living area, outside of a few small areas of Houston. You can check the rent prices online at places like or just search may have to call some to get quotes...BUT I have lived in all the large cities in Texas and learned when you're comparing prices look for the middle range prices. The very cheapest are almost always in neighborhoods that are extremely dirty, house less than desirable neighbors and host a multitude of criminal activity.

    Hope you find the best where ever it is! Good luck!

  3. You want to live in Pittsburgh then. The housing there is cheap. You can buy a house for $60,000 and rent apartments in a place like Bloomfield for $400 a month. Squirrel Hill is slightly more expensive but not by a lot. Its really nice along 5th near Chatham University.

    Yes, the winter weather leaves something to be desired but the pollution is all gone. Pittsburgh is a university town now.

    The best part is that because Pittsburgh used to be a bigger city, it has tons of great hospitals. My daughter interned at UPMC's main facility and they constantly rank with the best in the country. West Penn is also a great hospital there. Her boyfriend used to work there as an ER nurse and my daughter got the inside scoop on how great a place it is too.

    And yes, I do know what an Oncologist's specialty is. My mother needed one for breast cancer but she has now survived 14 years, cancer free.

    Your other best choices are to move to Baltimore so you can be seen at Johns Hopkins or to Minneapolis to see the Mayo Clinic.

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