
What state has the worst economy in the United States and why?

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What state has the worst economy in the United States and why?




  1. By GDP it is Vermont

  2. Michigan has had been hit with the most manufacturing & industrial jobs lost but unemployment are still around 6%. Unemployment rates were over 12% in the U.S. in the 80s.

  3. donot no

  4. Michigan, because the Big 3 aren't doing too great, we have no real public transportation (other than the smart bus, but really, who uses it?), and gas prices are really high, so we have to spend all our money on gas. Most people can provide for their families, and so they sell everything, and leave.

  5. Ca, cuz they its really popular. and its got 1 of the highest markets

  6. I live in Kansas, food prices going high, and A LOT of grasshoppers.

    I walk on my lawn and they are everywhere, it is hurting farms around my town for sure.

    I have no idea how other states are going, my mom said that other states are getting a lot of those hoppers.

  7. North Dakota....nobody lives there.

  8. Maybe Rhode Island cause it's so small


  9. CALIFORNIA!  gas is to high, no jobs, the housing market can't make up it's mind.  GEEZE!  Plus our state finances have been DRAINED due to the excessive fires.

  10. California...13 billion dollar deficit. Also has the most cities filing bankruptcy. Cost to California to support illegal aliens 11 billion per year.

  11. Here' s a simple way to put it:

    State: Michigan

    Why: Jennifer Granholm

  12. Michigan. Dying rust-belt state. :(

  13. Vermont.  Those syrup eaters better watch their backs!

  14. Is your question related to the present existance of jobs, or is it a question based on philosophy?  I cannot answer the question based on a statistic, but I can base my answer on philosophy.

    By my way of thinking, I believe that California has the worst economy of all the states in the Country.  I base this on our rate of taxes.  The number of social programs available to fund mediocrity (see MediCAL, Proposition 36, and our welfare system).  California's systematic disarming of the public's right to bear arms.  And the Fascistic overturning of a popularly elected bill such as Proposition 187 in 1994 (which would have ended and made illegal social services for illegal immigrants).  California is bleeding itself dry with it's Communist agenda, and is very rapidly becoming a "People's Republic" rather than a state that values individual's rights to life and pursuit of property.

  15. california because of all the illegals and the d**n lazy *** hippies

  16. Michigan. High unemployment and forclosures. People are leaving the stat left and right. More and more jobs are being cut. slowly becoming a ghost state.

  17. prolly newyork it sucks

  18. Michigan, highest state unemployment rate.

  19. Michigan because of the failing auto industry.

  20. Louisiana.

    It has the highest poverty rate and the lowest literacy rate, which means not only are there no jobs, but the school systems are horrible and turning poor, dumb kids into poor, dumb adults.

  21. Michigan....we have no jobs and everyone is losing their houses or leavin the state....go to and u can see..

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