
What steps a person can do to make difference in global warming?

by Guest66907  |  earlier

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what steps a person can do to make difference in global warming?




  1. you can do ALOT.

    more than one could name!

    for starters SAVE ENERGY!

  2. Care, for starters.


    all those steps

    especially having only 1 or NO kids...

  4. Carefully consider what car to drive (or whether to drive one at all!) and how you choose to drive it.  Use public transit or carpool when possible.

    Be aware of the total carbon costs of living life as you do.  For instance, if you purchase locally grown produce -- or grow your own -- the resources used to bring the food to market is considerably less.

    Become better informed.  Understanding the language of global warming and building on your own body of knowledge will help you assimulate what you hear and read.

    Support groups and politicians trying to affect positive change.  There are people like James Hansen, GISS's director, who plays a prominent role in publicizing the dangers of global warming, but who is largely unknown, and former VP Al Gore, the lightening rod for AGW skeptics.

    Remember that some of the model and predictions are going to be inaccurate, which does not discredit the entire theory.  Climate models treat the laws of physics in the same way, but they parameterize phenomena like cloud formation differently, and come up with different results.  Give the science some elbow room.  There's an incredible amount of brain power tackling this.  The backbone and funding are beginning to follow.

  5. plant trees, that is the easiest thing. each tree removes thousands of pounds of C02 from the atmosphere during its lifetime.

  6. Stop using fossil fuels. Leave that carbon sequestered where it is. And forget about a hydrogen economy until we can get it from water instead of natural gas, as we do today.

  7. we all need to push for alternative energy resources. we shouldn't be using the little oil we have left on gas when there are other resources out there that can work. just recycle, turn off your lights when you're not using them, and try to reduce your use of things like disposable water bottles because they are extremely wasteful. Also try to combine trips when you go out =]

  8. dont flush the toilet

  9. Do all the things suggested above, then tell your neighbors and co-workers about the savings your family has benefit from; then create a blog and share it with the world.  The more awareness the sooner eco-friendly will be the norm.

    I personally think renewables are the way to go, all the energy that we need with no foreign politics to be concerned about.  Every nation could be self sufficient, no more wars over oil.

  10. get a hybrid car

    use corn oil

    dont buy a suv

    get fluourscent light bulbs

  11. Pee into the sun.

  12. Walk when you can or ride a bike

    Vote for politicians who promises to reduce Carbon dioxide.

    Buy energy efficient light bulbs.


    Buy a hybrid car

    Use mass transit

    Call you power company to see  if they offer green energy, If they don't. ask why.

    Plant trees.

  13. We can put out the sun, put plastic bags around cows' butts, cork volcanoes, and make sure all the water in the world can't evaporate.

  14. you can burn more and more fossil fuels, cut down every tree, and pollute, pollute.  In about a million years you might see a change in the world, maybe.

  15. these steps should be taken to fight global warming:

    *Look for energy qualified products

    *Heating cooling conditioners should be tuned well once a year.

    *Seal n insulate ur home.

    *Reduce n reuse n recycle every thing u use.

    *Grow more plants.

    *Use water efficiently.

    *Use ur personal vehicle as less as possible n when u cant walk, train or buss can be best options as u can imagine- 50 persons driving their personal cars would emit more polluting gases n waste more fuel than a single bus carrying them.

    *Maintain ur vehicles well so that they stay fuel efficient.

    All u need to do is to spread this message to everyone u possibly can.

    U can arrange a seminar or let ur frnds help u in painting posters n sticking them in ur college ,or u can get prints n distribute them, u can tell ur college authority or churh authority to spread the awareness they;ll surely help u. Keep teaching the area kids or relatives- A child is man's father :-).

    U can even go to festival gatherings or concerts n talk to the event managers n steal 10 mins of the show for this important cause, or the morning assembly or prom or ur bday or any important day of ur life or ur college life can be used constructively.

  16. Right now, our politicians are trusting that the largest polluters in the world will do the right thing and cut their emissions. That is just not cost effective and cuts into profits.

    The bottom line is, realize that big money is not your friend unless you have big money which means, you should vote very carefully.

    I can drive all over this city and not see anyone who has enough money to vote for and actually benefit from the money ticket. I know several people who think they have allot of money, but even their standard of living went down in the last 7 years. The crazy thing is, they don't even realize it.

    Take back control and do something for mankind instead of our peers and force them to comply with the pollution laws.

    I realize our POUR corporate leaders look at the mega rich oil sheiks in the Middle East and want to be just like them, but look at the country those people live in. All the people in those countries don't benefit from that oil money. So those guys get big rich at whose expense?

    Is that what you want is to live in adobe homes while your corporate leaders and politicians roll around in limos?

    Just remember, voting is not for personal benefits, but what benefits us all.

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