
What steps can I take to help my daughters' school change its schedule to year around?

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Several students, parents, and teachers are interested in seeing where they can go with this.




  1. we're dealing with this situation too. we moved and are now in a year round school. Let your kids know that school will just be different but that they'll have plenty of summer time to have fun and they'll have longer holiday breaks than before. You'll need to let family and friends that live long distance know that your vacation schedules will likely change. I'm not sure how the first year will go for us but we're just taking it all in stride. other parents in the neighborhood report that its not that bad.

  2. Only certain schools in an area will be all-year and there is nothing you can do to change a schools schedule. Trust me, nobody will change the schedule for the ENTIRE school, that's like what around 250-500 kids just because of your one kid. You can take the idea to the Parent Council; There must already be a year  round school some-what new where you live. How about just transferring your daughter there?

  3. don't do that. i would hate having school year round.

    i know you get the same amount of time off but i think a lot of it would be a waste of time. because everytime you get off from school you would have to review what you are doing and get back into the groove again.

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