
What steps could you take to reduce chances of developing cardiovascular disease?

by Guest58288  |  earlier

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  1. also drinking in moderation  and no smoking.  A healthy lifestyle  But genetics does play a major role if you predisposed for cardiovascular disease.

  2. Avoid fatty foot, get lots of exercise, check up regularly, take your own BP, and have parents who never had cardio-vasular problems. Genetics are a big factor.

  3. Monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis- if its high see your doctor and they will probably put you on a medication to lower it.

    Go to your check-ups for the doctor


    Eat healthy foods- such as foods that are low in sodium

    Watch your cholesterol

    Try reducing the stress around you- stress is a big factor in heart problems

    Watch your weight-  A lot of people who have heart problems are usually obese

  4. Watch your diet, stay away from fatty and/or sugary, high cholesterol foods. Baked goods are really bad. Avoid hydrogenated anything. Exercise, keep your weight down and keep check on your cholesterol and triglycerides.

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