
What steps do I need to follow to open a legitimate business from scratch in Texas?

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What steps do I need to follow to open a legitimate business from scratch in Texas?




  1. Check with your County Clerk for the forms needed to register your business with county . Also check with Texas Comptroller's Office to register your business with the state.

    Furthermore,look in your phone book for the Internal Revenue Service - Taxpayer Assistance Division ( and get a federal I.D. number.

    What kind of business is it?

  2. 1. Develop a business plan = duh

    2. determine how you want the checks made out; ie: In your own name, or the name of your company. If you want to use the company name, go to the County Clerk's office and get a "Fictitious Business" license. It will cost a few bucks. (Ten years ago, it was $28.00, and is also known as a 'dba' ("doing business as") license). The license will be needed for check cashing and other banking and tax purposes.

    3. Use a good booking system, and "GITCHA SUM!!!!

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