
What steps have a woman to do wih her bf or husband when she fear that he will stop loving her?

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What steps have a woman to do wih her bf or husband when she fear that he will stop loving her?




  1. Well, there is nothing you can do about that.  It is out of your control.  Just like you can't make someone love you, you cannot make someone stop loving you.  Those feelings are from the individual not you.  

    The man either loves you or he doesn't.  You can't love someone because he loves you.  If you are trying to get someone to stay and love you, you are in for a heart break. There are no spells.  There are no tricks.  There is no love potion.  If there is, let me know.

  2. in you fear you will loose him then you will loose him .be confident men love confident men  

  3. You can't make some one love you.  You could change some of the negative things about you, such as what you do for him or how you treat him.  But it may already be to late.


  4. start doing great things for him or go back to the way she was when he did care for her

  5. lose weight and swallow

  6. Stop it.  Stop it or I'll bury you alive in a box - Bob Newhart.

    Women tend to worry too much, so much so that they tend to put a strangle hold on their relationships.  Which ends up putting way too much stress on both parties.

    Take a deep breath, relax, walk out and give your husband a nice big hug and walk away to go do whatever your doing.  You'll feel much better and leave him wondering what that was all about.. It's good for men to wonder.

    *edit* Chole you better learn to swallow, once your looks go your going to have nothing left going for you as your personailty is in sad shape.

  7. if he "stops loving her" it wasn't really love. Love is action, not just feeling. Love is enduring.

    Lust/infatuation, that super awesome fuzzy feeling, can last up to two years.

  8. i've never swallowed. haha. women goes thru WAYyy... too much **** and c**p for men in general


    If you have any self-worth ALWAYS keep this in mind about men, USE 'EM then LOSE 'EM. they are only good when they make YOU happy.


    my only advice is to have them around but seriously understand that, you are your own best friend which lasts a lifetime.



  9. unfortunately you cant control wether someone loves you or not, the best step to take first off is to talk to your BF about it and ask him how he feels. he may just be under stress or you may just need to rekindle the flame- perhaps suggest a romantic dinner or long weekend away.

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