
What steps have you taken to control your supply of money and to secure your future?

by Guest65072  |  earlier

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What steps have you taken to control your supply of money and to secure your future?




  1. slowly lower the money i was investing in stocks and putting into short term  cds!!

  2. 2 yrs ago i took Jr's words to heart..  there will be no social security by the time I get to age 62, (only 16 yrs away) so i decided to act like him and start taking Sales Tax more seriously. By saving every receipt for gas, and purchases I can deduct THAT tax amount from my yr-end gross instead of the measly 2.something they take from my check. Thus they have LESS of my money to steal. I also refuse to pay for name brand when most name brands actually make the generic anyway. Go out to eat? NO WAY, i learned how to cook instead. And most important..  BUY AMERICAN!

  3. I created an excel sheet that tracks my income, expenses, budgets and automatically calculates my taxes for me, and projects what I will owe (or what refund i will get) when I file my tax returns.  This way I can see what I'm spending money on and what I'm actually saving.

    If you want a copy of it, email me at

  4. Most of my money goes in my gas tank.

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