
What steps to take when the sheriff dept and police dept is used as personal gestapo

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an apt mgr uses terrorist threats and lies to evict tenants she dislikes and the owner seems afraid to fire her




  1. Sounds like a lot of hyperbole rather than fact.  Substantiate this and you;d have a better chance of an answer.  As far as I know, sherriffs and police are given power of enforcement by the courts, so the evil manager would have to go through them - are the courts afraid of her also?  Why is the owner?

  2. Sorry apartment managers use the Sheriffs Department to evict the tenant.. Please give me an example of terrorist threats she makes because if this is true the sheriff can take her to jail

  3. You will need proof a hunch or theory will not due you will also need to contact your local state police barracks ONLY if you have solid evidence.  

  4. Have you considered reading a certain book called "Spite,Malice and Revenge"? Naturally, I would NEVER recommend using any of the suggestions in the book, but you could have a really good time fantisizing about it.

    We had a manager use those tactics on us, because she was angry that she couldn't get an additional Handicapped Parking space installed for herself, because her garage was full of things she had appropriated from tenants who were moving. She figured if we moved, she would get our spot and it wouldn't cost her the money WE paid to put it in. So, when we moved, we called the city and told them it wasn't needed anymore, because the only other handicapped person in the building had a garage, and only had one car. We had two cars and we both had handicapped status. They removed the sign and she had to fight city hall to get it back, and she had to PAY to get it back.

    She may be related to the owner, or she might have something on him. Best wishes finding a better place to live. If you're worried about the recommendation from the manager, relax. Just tell them that she was emotionally disturbed and you were afraid for your life, or that she came on to your spouse, or ice picked your pet to death. You'll get a nicer place with a nicer manager, or buy your own home.

  5. Sheriff is County and Police is City.  Contact the State Police.  If that doesn't work, the next step is the FBI.  Whatever your course of action is, you must have credible evidence before they will take your accusation seriously.

    Of course freedom of speech with news organizations is always a very powerful tool too.

  6. Define these "terrorist threats".......anyone can be evicted for any reason, it's up to the individual people to fight the eviction orders, if the owner is "afraid" to fire her that is her problem.

  7. Gather PROOF!

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