
What stereotype did you fit into at school ?

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Lol u know what i mean.

And has that changed now?




  1. im not in any groups.

    i hang out with practically any type of person.

    i dont care.

  2. None! I took all shop classes offered but also did well in all the other classes and I was the only kid both on the football team and in the theatre. I was weird.

  3. im not a fan of stereotyping  


  5. well im like a rocker

    i guess i fit in with the popular kids cuz im funny and confident but im currently not popular

  6. nerds i was a computer geek in school

  7. loner and hasn't really changed except i am more comfortable with myself and stuff... still don't have any confidence or anything though lol

    i wish i had been into metal back then!

  8. I'd say quiet .

  9. About an average popular

  10. hahaha! none of those. I am the all around chick....

    - i dont care about popularity, however i wasnt "uknown"

    - im smart, but thats not what im known for.

    - i have friends even if its not alot.

    - haha, and everyones weird in someway.... lol!

  11. colorful wallpaper.

  12. popular/trouble maker- has not changed too much

  13. Im in school now, and I am not popular, not a geek, nor a loner, I do not fit into any of them.  

  14. Loner


  15. You forgot the insane group. No, it is not called weirdo group.

  16. funny mischievous prankster stoners

  17. loner/punk/freak/weirdo

    I mean i don't even know. I guess that hasn't really changed cause thats just who i am.

  18. random, almost popular, normal, punk/skaters, funny :]

  19. i wasnt really popular but i did have a lot of good friends

    who knows wut i am now considering none of my friends are in any of my i guess im a loner ;/

  20. Quiet weirdo loner. lol :-)

  21. Face Biter

  22. Well, i'm popular with a certain group of kids. Who are just kids. Regular, funny, the best people you'll ever meet. So i'm popular with them, and i have alot of other friends, but i'm not PREPPY POPULAR, but i'm popular with my people. [:

  23. loner

  24. Weirdo...definetly weirdo...

    yeah probably changed from weird to insane......

  25. Most definietly the Loner

    Later I became the Geek

    Then the Weirdo

    Then the Strong but Silent

    Then I gained confidence and now I'm just Cuddly ;]  

  26. Weirdo-loner-geek. You missed out bland and boring for the other 80% of the school.

  27. Nothing, really.. Im sort of a geek I guess.

    I seriously don't care, Im just me!!


  28. I don't think there was a category for me.

    I am an individual, not a label.  I've always felt that way.

  29. Well up until last year I went to a regular school, and I was usually the um, well I had a lot of friends, lets put it that way. I still have a lot of friends, but I just weeded out the bad ones.

  30. shy, quiet, loner.

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