
What stereotype do Asians have?

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Every race has a stereotype. I used to think Asians didn't have one but have realized I was wrong. I would like to know if anyone else has come to my same conclusion. So please tell me, what stereotype you think Asians have?




  1. Asians are stereotyped as having small penises and high intelligence, as well as playing either the violin or piano since age two. Asian parents are stereotyped as being strict and never letting a child outside to play, with a very early curfew. Female Asians are all very shy, cover their mouths when laughing, and prefer to be a housewife than a working person. Asian men all know martial arts (and are technological masters).

  2. small wangs of course

  3. Some stereotypes that are commonly applied to Asians:

    1)  That they are horrible drivers. (This can find some support in that, because of the shape of their eyes, they have a reduced field of vision as compared to ther races.)

    2)  That they have an innate ability to draw well.

    3) That they have an innate ability to excel in math, science, and anything involving computers.

    4) That their IQs exceed that of any other race.

    5) That every female Asian has a love of cutesy things (e.g. Hello Kitty.)  

    6)  That any male Asian, even one who has never had a lesson in the martial arts, will automatically be able to win any fight.

    7)  That they are more likely to work harder than people of other races.

    8)  That Asians, as parents, are more likely to be strict, have high expectations of their children when it comes to academic/extracirricular performances (e.g. they must be first chair in their chosen instrument), and enforce harsh punishments for any deviation from these expectations.

    Since stereotypes are started because of the grain of truth they hold within, some people will fulfil most or even all of them.  However, the reason stereotypes should be avoided is because not every person who fulfils the requirement for the stereotype (e.g. being Asian) will automatically have every stereotypical thing be a reality for them.

  4. I've heard everything!!! from S****y wild s*x kittens to nerdy mathematicians

  5. they are often called bad drivers, considered always good at math.

  6. All Asians are....

    - good in math

    - bad drivers

    - men have small penises

    - women are submissive

  7. most of them are ugly and cant drive

  8. they are smart.

    they have small penises.

    they are worse at driving than women.

  9. asians cant drive

  10. they say asian men have small penises and that asian girls like black men.

  11. All asian women are hot...though I don't think that is a stereotype...


  13. "Positive" stereotypes:

    Excel in mathematics.

    Good at anime

    Very good in music

    "Negative" stereotypes

    All are Chinese

    All eat rice

    Have small penises

    Have bad teeth

    Have small b*****s/butt

    Are terrible drivers

    Have tiny eyes they can't see out of.

    I am married to a Japanese man and you wouldn't believe how many people honestly ask me, "Why? It's not like you can feel his p***s."  


    and so on....

  15. Negative:

    Small p***s

    Slanted Eyes

    Horrible English


    High IQ

    Good at Math


    Love video games

    Love card games

    Like cosmetics

    This wasn't meant to offend; I only listed the stereotypes.

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