
What stereotypes do people have towards dyslexia?

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Like what in specific?

By the way, I'm dyslexic.




  1. I think when people don't understand dyslexia they believe the person to either be dumb or have an attention disorder.

  2. That people with dyslexia always flip their words and/or numbers.  This is just one aspect of a complicated learning disability and not everyone with dyslexia has that particular issue.

    -S (special ed. teacher)

  3. i dont have any

  4. People think that just because someone is dyslexic they read everything backwards or upside down. People don't realize that dyslexia is not a visual problem that involves reading letters or words backwards or upside down, nor are such reversals a defining characteristic of dyslexia. Dyslexia is actually a problem that involves seeing a word but not being able to associate the sound that goes with each letter. Also being mixed up with the letters d p b q due to their similarity. People basically just don't know how complex dyslexia is and how many other problems come with being dyslexic besides just reading such as poor short-term memory skills, poor personal organizational skills and problems processing spoken language.

  5. People stereotype people with dyslexia by calling them stupid and thinking that they're mentally retarded. I have a friend who is dyslexic and I hate it when people stereotype him.

  6. I have none.

  7. That people with dyslexia are really samrt.

  8. You worded that weird.

    I dont have "stereotypes toward someone."

    I have misconceptions and prejudices, but not stereotypes.

    And to answer your question, not very many people have any.

  9. they have lots i know i am dyslexia they have thoughts that you read backwards and you cant read well and you cant spell and you cant do a lot of thing that we can do it just takes more time then others most dyslexia are really smart and some are geniuses.

  10. that they are stupid and useless when it comes to learning.

    which is very untrue.

  11. I haven't come across many stereotypes towards dyslexia, actually. I think most people are aware that dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence. I've never met anyone who didn't know that. However, I would guess that some less enlightened people might think dyslexic people, or anyone with any sort of disability, are "stupid" and think that their brains aren't as good as "normal" people.

  12. i think the big one is that if you are dyslexic you are stupid

  13. there is a dyslxic girl in my class and she is pretty, popular....but not so smart..o and my dad was dyslexic and he grew up to be a computer genious!...i personally don't have anything against them! u?..hope i helped :)

  14. i wouldnt say theres a stereotype, people make fun of people that are different no matter what. i would just say that it would be difficult to work with somebody that is dyslexic.

  15. that you believe in Dog. ;) I don't think any of the stereotypes towards dyslexics, like that they are stupid, ADD, or not trying enough, are true.... and I am really ADHD

  16. Most people think dyslexics are unintelligent. I have dyslexia was diagnosed in 3rd grade. Now I have a Master's degree and I am working on another Degree. Spelling is difficult for me because of the dyslexia, but it has no bearing on my intelligence.

  17. Unfortunately, a lot of people poke fun at this fact. They believe since dyslexic people see words differently, they are unable to interpret them, and are therefore stupid. I've even heard jokes about this and its always people who themselves aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. It makes them feel more comfortable with admitting that they aren't as smart as some people. Honestly, i have absolutely nothing against dyslexic people, its sad that people do though.

  18. they think ppl who are dyslexic are stupid or useless. their not stupid they just cant read as well as other ppl can i dont see the big deal about it anywayz...

  19. That they are retarded...BUT THEY ARE NOT......I have a tad of dyslexia....I just get words on signs and numbers mixed up sometimes....just have to double check everything I do...nothing to bad♥♥♥

  20. they are stupid


    usually associates it with a physical disability or one that people can notice from the time they first see someone

    lots of kids with learning disabilities can overcome them but there are so many cruel children who put them down that it is hard.

  21. They're related to Tom Cruise

  22. lots

  23. growing up all i thought was reading and writing backwords. this month i learned its more. i learned that educational comprehension is also a part of it. my daughter is a child who has problems reading she is in 3rd, but reads at a kindergarden level. i was told to get a book known as the gifts of dyslexia. it was like reading my daughters life and what her strength are and what she does good that can be used in improving on her reading. so going thru nthis shos me that dysexia is more than most people may realize.

  24. that they can't read

  25. People believe dyslexic people to be extremely stupid, ESL students and also to be socially-unaccepted. [I don't believe this, but I know others do.]

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