
What steroids are farmers using on crops to get the huge yields ?

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what steroids are farmers using now in days on crops to yield these super tomatoes,corn and so forth. What about the 30 lb watermellons. Anyway please provide links to these products and so forth to get the points.





  1. You have to be kidding!

  2. No steroids are used in vegetable and fruit production. fertilizers yes, good soils yes, compost yes, kelp yes, hybridization yes. But no steroids

  3. miracle- gro

  4. I don't know that farmers are using steroids yet, but they are being researched.

  5. What you're seeing is knowledge and fertilizer. There is a great deal of knowledge that goes along with agriculture. There are not too many dumb dirt farmers any more. What you are seeing is agro business in action. Market products are good, but until you do your own garden and see what is really possible, you will never know the real good stuff. The super market can never supply a tomato to compare to homegrown, or a strawberry, or corn; anything! Store varieties are grown more for their ability to ship intact and ship well. Flavor is important but not what decisions are based on. Taste means nothing if it can't ship well and I have found that the best flavored varieties just can't hold up to shipping. Period. Also, the time it takes to ship an item uses up a great amount of the fresh food's actual nutrition as that food fights to stay viable. Those foods are frequently picked immature to increase it's ability to stand up to the riggers of the plane, train and truck (and frequently see a very extended environmentally controlled storage). You want good? Start a garden or check out the neighbors. Many a gardener, at least where I am, measure their garden and their abilities by the quality of "them home growed tomatoes"!

  6. This is funny. I took some very large butternut squash to the local fair a few years back, in a drought year.

    A competitor challenged my win on a claim that I must have used steroids to get such large fruits, several times the size of anyone else's.

    The judges of course knew that steroids do not work, but they did want me to describe to the complaining competitor just how I had accomplished this.

    It was simple. I had used compost and irrigation,limited the vine to only 3 fruits, and then chosen the best 5 fruits out of about 1000.

    But  I did have a lot of fruits far bigger than most of the competitors, bigger than most in the supermarket. If you want big, I give you big.

  7. They've already been artificially selected over many generations to produce large yields.  Although yes, hormone treatment (not steroid) is probably being researched.

  8. steroids are for cheating athletes. not food. science & technology has led to the bigger crop productions. different kinds of fertilizers, methods, and genetically engineering seeds are what is making the difference.

  9. I'm a farmer and we've never used steroids in our crops because it is impossible! Plants don't have an X and Y chromosome so they cannot produce testosterome. Steroids are a ton of concentrated testosterome. The farmers probably used genetic engineering.

  10. You don't use steroids on plants.

    The huge yields can come from a variety of things, including fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. It can also be from good farming practices, and having healthy soil.

    Steroids don't work on plants.

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